Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Let the adventure...

This trip marks an end and a beginning.  The end of feeling like someone else was in the driver's seat, bouncing down a circuitous mountain road with sharp, precipitous drops on either side and no brakes...Okay, that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but seriously, cancer, divorce, house fire...enough was enough. I had to take back control of the steering wheel.  It's been no easy process...it's required pain, loss, sadness, regret, guilt and uncertainty.  However the positives have been the seeds that have sown this beginning as well. Hope, courage, strength, will, desire and trust. Nurturing those and believing in them have allowed me to create this new beginning. I've left my job, moved out of my house, donated many things to GoodWill, got accepted to graduate school for the fall and now I'm waiting for my flight on my first or two forays this summer to the west coast. First Oregon and Washington to visit friends and climb in the mountains, and second to Alaska for more of the same.  Believe in what you want, but I believe that we manifest our thoughts into our lives. If that's the case, I've somehow manifested an unplanned overnight at the San Fran airport tonight because of a delayed flight and a missed connection ;-)
The adventure begins...

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